02 August 2009

My Pioneer Parents

Here's a picture of my parents a little over ten years ago serving as missionaries in Nauvoo, Illinois. We went to Nauvoo the year they served and have sweet memories of seeing my parents perform in a play and also listening to my mom tell the stories of the Mormons of Historic Nauvoo. My mother has always been a natural storyteller and it was a wonderful experience to hear her retell history of the Nauvoo community especially at the temple site. In the coming week we plan to meet Angie in Missouri and go to Nauvoo again for the first time after ten years. It won't be the same without my parents who are a great example in our family of going on a mission in their senior years.
"You don't have to push a handcart,
Leave your fam'ly dear,
Or walk a thousand miles or more,
To be a pioneer
You do need to have great courage,
Faith to conquer fear,
And work with might
for a cause that's right
to be a pioneer!"
~Ruth Muir Gardner
Some Favorite Pioneer Quotes:

Truly the Lord encourages us
to walk in faith
to the edge of the light
and beyond—into the unknown.
After the trial of our faith,
He once again shines the light
ahead of us, and our journey of faith
in every footstep continues."
~M. Russell Ballard
That first trek of 1847,
organized and led by Brigham Young,
is described by historians
as one of the great epics
of United States history. . .
Can we somehow find the courage
and that steadfastness of purpose
which characterized the pioneers
of a former generation?. . .
Oh, how the world needs pioneers today!"
~Thomas S. Monson

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Beth. What a great picture of your folks.
    I was telling Laura McFarland last night about how instrumental all of you were to a convert kid named Ralph. There are Standards and Light Posts and Sturdy Fence posts that i can lean on in the memories I revisit from time to time and they include most of the Lancasterites who helped raise me. Your folks being amoung those and of course all of you. It was fun for Annette and I to visit last night with her.

    By the way, I really enjoy your peaceful music in the background.
