04 May 2009

Got Prom Dress Stress?

When my daughter Angie was in high school, prom was the biggest stress. Besides dealing with finding nice dress shoes for her size 12 foot, getting a cute modest dress for her 6 ft. stature (taller than that wearing heels) was a pure nightmare. When Angie was in 7th grade and 8th grade, she grew 12 inches. Clothing her was pure madness. Sister Jessica isn't far behind, I just bought her size 10 dress shoes and she's at the end of her 7th grade year in school. She's just a little bit shorter than me--I'm 5'8". So anyway, hopefully I'll be ready for her in three years. Especially after seeing what some of my favorite teens have worn to prom this year. I've seen some great dress altering by talented moms this year so hopefully I'll be ready but who knows... maybe Jessica will be like me and not want to even go to her prom. Wouldn't that be great!!! We'll, I better not get too excited.

Beautiful Cousin Kellee--her mom added sleeves to a spaghetti strap dress
My niece Janna in brown, made her "look" modest by just adding a shrug
My niece Janet in yellow--her talented mom made her dress


  1. I'm already planning on my mom moving in with us for a week to make Natalie Jo a prom dress. Who knows what they will be wearing in 15 years!

  2. A fun post. I love all the dresses.

  3. Cute dresses! Sarah had to have hers altered too!

  4. Kellee does look beautiful, thanks for posting a picture of her in her dress. I wanted to see it. Tell her I think it looks purple.

  5. It is a challenge. I helped a couple of Janet's friends make alterations to their dresses in an attempt to make them more modest. My heart went out to a few of her other girlfriends who wanted there dresses to be more modest but didn't have any one who could sew that could help them. Thanks for posting the pictures!

  6. what a great post! our little girl already looks to be very tall as well and that obviously doesn't come from me. i'll be needing dress alteration ideas one day a long long time from now.
