11 June 2010

My Redheaded Grandnephew

It's a boy!

David, Yvonne & Peter

Peter Allen Reynders
9th June 2010
7 lbs. 14 oz.
We have a celebrity in the family. Peter Allen, born to my nephew David & wife Yvonne, son of my brother Mark and wife Jolinda. I say celebrity because it took 21 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren before getting another baby with red hair in our family like my other brother Adam has. My mother always said she was so excited when my brother was born with red hair and she thought it was a shame that none of her grandchildren had red hair. My mother passed away in November and I don't know if there is some cosmic way of putting in requests about specific characteristics in our family lineage, but if my mom had her say about it, she was going to get her another red headed baby in the family. Only heaven knows. Another fun fact about Peter is he's named after my great great grandfather who was the first immigrant from our Reynders family line to settle in America. He was from The Netherlands and the dutch spelling was:
"P I E T E R ~ R E I J N D E R S"
Today is my dad's birthday, so what a fun birthday present for my dad to have this handsome new guy in the family.
"Blonds are noticed but
redheads are never forgotten."

David & Yvonne


  1. He is so cute! I can't believe he is the first Redhead since Adam! That is so cool! Mark has a great bunch of kids! It has been fun hearing about all of them. I love Janet blog about her experiences! Very fun! Can't wait to see you in October!

  2. I'm so excited for David and Yvonne. I'm glad you posted this. He's a cute little boy and I think his name and hair are very cool.
