I love my Dad but our relationship wasn't always smooth sailing. I'll never forget on one occasion when I was a teenager and I wanted to do something out of the ordinary (typical teenager) and my parents wouldn't let me do it (typical parents) and we had this huge blow up with a lot of angry words being said. I went to my room in a huff, thinking my parents could never really understand me and they were just "jerks." But then something happened that I never would have anticipated. My dad came into my room sheepishly and asked if he could talk and I hesitantly agreed. He took out the scriptures and read to me in Doctrine Covenants 121 about how the power of the priesthood's influence could only be made through, persuasion, long-suffering, by gentleness, and meekness, love unfeigned, kindness and pure knowledge...Anyway, he then told me something very simple, "I'm sorry" and left the room. The Holy Spirit touched me that day. I knew my father wasn't perfect but from that moment on, I knew how perfect the priesthood was. I'm so grateful for the priesthood and power and influence it has had in my life and I'm grateful for a father who honored it the best way he could.
5 years ago
June 20th was your last post. Start blogging!