“GET A NOTEBOOK…write in it your goings and comings, your deepest thoughts, your achievements and your failures, your associations and your triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies.” ~Spencer W Kimball
My parents first born grandchild was my sister's oldest, "Martha Ann" named after my sister and my paternal grandmother. She came 32 years ago on March 21st. Interestingly, her birthday is the same as my parents youngest granddaughter, my daughter, Jessica. Martha Ann left us as she was born. My sister had complications with her pregnancy bringing on the delivery that was too early for Martha Ann to survive. An interesting fact is that she was delivered in Lancaster California even though my sister was living in Utah at the time. She came to see my older brother, Mark, return from his mission and upon arrival to Lancaster, she started having contractions. The baby didn't survive and she was buried in a children's section of a cemetery in Lancaster. Ten years later another tragedy in the family, our baby son Steven David passed away upon a family visit to Lancaster. Curiously, the grave next to Martha Ann had never been taken for use in that ten year period and so we were able to bury our baby next to Martha Ann. Somehow, I believe they were meant to be next to each other. When I visit my family in California we take the time to go visit the graves. But I have greater solace knowing that my sister Martha, now resides in Lancaster and can visit the grave more frequently.
Hi, my name is Beth and this is my "notebook"~ I'm originally from Southern California. I met and married my husband David about forty years ago and we moved to North Carolina. We've enjoyed raising our children here in the South. I love my faith, family and sports. My hobbies are quilting, crafts & family history.
Angie & Edward
Jake & Lauren
Jessica & Justin
Carson & McKenna
Our Angel ~ Steven
3 February 1987 ~ 25 February 1987
"Grandchildren fill a space in your heart that you never knew was empty"
What a beautiful story and tribute. i like your music that accompanies your blog too. It certainly adds to the solace.