01 January 2009


  • EAT HEALTHIER & EXERCISE MORE--I've struggled with this all my adult life and now that I'm seeing the affects of lousy eating and exercise habits take a toll on my parent's health, I feel more and more that I need to lower my sugar intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, and exercise daily, oh and get a physical exam this year.

  • HAVE BETTER PERSONAL PRAYERS--I always have a prayer in my heart but sometimes I feel that I'm doing just a quick chit chat with my Heavenly Father rather than really having a heart to heart and taking the time to listen. Take more time for morning and night for prayers.
  • BE A BETTER VISITING TEACHER--My tendency to be anti-social has really kicked in lately and I need to repent and move on to be the visiting teach I know I can be. I WILL do my visiting teaching every month.

Well that's my three big ones that I believe I can really make a conscience effort to work on. I believe they are GOOD GOALS and of course:

". . .if there is anything virtuous,

lovely or of good report, or praiseworthy,

we seek after these things."

The 13th Article of Faith


  1. I liked your post! Happy New Year!

  2. Amen to that. I feel that I need to work on the same things as well. Thanks for the inspiration! You are still a wonderful role model!

  3. Great Goals!!! Keep us updated every month or so to keep us all inspired through the year. smiles Danette
