01 November 2008


(from left) Jessica, Eric, Carson, Cassidy & Lil' Carson
We had fun "trick or treating"
in the neighborhood with friends.

Ghoul days, ghoul days, goody, goody, ghoul days.
Ringing the bell of your neighbor's place,
Hearing him yell at your funny face.
You were the greatest ghost I've seen;
I was the witch whose hair was green.
And we haunted the house on Halloween,
When we were a couple of ghouls.
"Jessisca" THE GHOUL
Isn't she a beauty
"Carson" He's a NEWSIE
He's obsessed with this movie
"Dottie" THE DEVIL
How true it is
"Abby B." & "Kellee B."
They dressed up as HYMN BOOKS
So clever!

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